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GVIUS Ingolstadt

Help us out

We are particularly proud of the advice centers in the deaf association! Thanks to the close cooperation, it is only possible to organize so many offers for our members, their family members and also for friends of the association and interested parties.

Thanks to the project office to support the deaf association, a large network around the deaf association has developed since 2012. And we keep working, going public, educating and sensitizing society for a better coexistence. The subsidy for the employees comes from the Ministry of Social Affairs and is now an integral part of the association. It is impossible to imagine life without it - neither for the numerous affected people who get quick help due to the sign language skills of the employees, nor for the association and its board of directors.

We are also particularly grateful for the Diakonie Ingolstadt: the information and service center was able to establish itself in cooperation and has been funded by the Upper Bavaria district as part of open work for the disabled since summer 2018.

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GVIUS Ingolstadt eV

Email address :

Phone : +49 (841) 8850926

Fax : +49 (841) 8852109

Register number: VR 656

Rundmails erhalten

Wir versenden ca. einmal im Monat eine Rundmail mit aktuellen Informationen.
(Anmeldung kann zu jeder Z
eit widerrufen werden)

Vielen Dank für das Interesse!

GVIUS Ingolstadt eV

Email address :

Phone : +49 (841) 8850926

Fax : +49 (841) 8852109

Register number: VR 656

© 2021 Deaf Association Ingolstadt. Created with | Imprint | Data protection |

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